
In the town of San Pedro La Laguna on beautiful Lake Atitlán in the Guatemala highlands, students need assistance to study beyond grade school when their families cannot afford the cost of tuition, uniforms, books, and supplies.

We match people who are willing to provide scholarships (‘becas’ in Spanish) with students of promise so they can continue their studies through secondary school and potentially beyond. Donors typically commit to 6 years of sponsorship, one year at a time; the cost is $400-$600/year depending on the student’s year in school. Students are encouraged to continue to study at the university level with support from their original sponsor or a new one.

We currently have between 70 and 80 sponsored students. We’re hoping to add more students each year and to impact education in San Pedro in additional positive ways. We have an emergency food and medical fund and help support a local home construction project. Donations of any size are gratefully received – please see the Donate page for more information.